Latest Conferences (Scopus indexed)

  1. A. Umamaheswari, S. Kripa and V. Jeyalakshmi, Realization of CNN Using Hybrid Multiplier With PYNQ-Z2, 2024 15th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT 2024, Kamand (2024) .
  2. E. Sivarajan and V. Jeyalakshmi, Attributes based access control mechanism using smart contracts against denial of service attacks in SDN, AIP Conference Proceedings, Bikaner (2024) (3149) .
  3. M. Barath, S. Asha Pon and V. Jeyalakshmi, A Graph Partitioning Approach to Optimize Test Patterns, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Olten (2024) (1050 LNNS) : pp155-165 .
  4. R. Seetharaman, A.T. Karthikeyan, P.S.H. Ruban, C. Ambhika, L.H. Subramanian, S. Sasikumar and S. Gayathri, Detection of Fetal and Mother Heart Rate with Uterine Contractions, Proceedings of the 2024 10th International Conference on Biosignals, Images and Instrumentation, ICBSII 2024, Chennai (2024) .
  5. R. Seetharaman, M. Selvakumar, R. Jeffery, K. Soumya, C. Ambhika, L.H. Subramanian and D. Nedumaran, Swift Fingerprint Enhancement Technique with Parabolic Mask Filtering Algorithm, Proceedings of the 2024 10th International Conference on Biosignals, Images and Instrumentation, ICBSII 2024, Chennai (2024) .
  6. R. Seetharaman, P.S.H. Ruban, S.A. Shiney, L.H. Subramanian, M. Ganeshakumar, R. Adityaa and S. Gayathri, Implementation of FIFO design using Verilog HDL to avoid data losses in transmission, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Networking and Communications 2024, ICNWC 2024, Chennai (2024) .
  7. R. Seetharaman, V. Mughuntha, B. Harish, K.B. Nithish, S. Prithivee, C. Ambhika, S.A. Shiney, L.H. Subramanian and V. Megala, Monitoring and Detection of Environmental Pathogen using Bio-Polymer Sensors with Drone, 7th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies, ICICT 2024, Lalitpur (2024) : pp955-960 .
  8. S. Sharmila and V. Jeyalakshmi, An AI based System for Smart Detection of Leaf Diseases using Machine Learning Techniques, Proceedings of the 2024 10th International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, ICCSP 2024, Melmaruvathur (2024) : pp1505-1509 .
  9. A. Ranjani Aruna, J. Kamala, K. Sahaana and M. Priya, Design of Optimized and Energy Efficient 1-bit Comparator, International Conference on Smart Systems for Applications in Electrical Sciences, ICSSES 2023, Tumakuru (2023) .
  10. A.D. Dhanapal, S.M. Anantha Ramanujan and V. Jeyalakshmi, Advanced Encryption Standard on a Quantum System, International Conference on Integrated Intelligence and Communication Systems, ICIICS 2023, Kalaburagi (2023) .
  11. A.P.S. Pandian, Priya and J. Veeranan, Test vector reordering in benchmark circuit testing, AIP Conference Proceedings, Salem (2023) (2857) .
  12. C. Rimmya, M. Ganesh Madhan and K. Amalesh, Transmission Performance Analysis of Various Order of UWB Signals Through Single Mode Fiber Link, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Virtual, Online (2023) (995 LNEE) : pp209-216 .
  13. D. Wishma, C.K. Viknesh, R. Seetharaman and P. Ramaraj, Teledermatology-Teleremedy Technology to Diagnose Early Melanoma, Proceedings of the 2023 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems, ICEARS 2023, Tuticorin (2023) : pp1596-1600 .
  14. D. Wishma, C.K. Viknesh, R. Seetharaman and S. Gayathri, Diagnosis of Melanoma by Analysing UV-Ray Intensity and Dermoscopy Images Through Mobile Application, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Edge Computing and Applications, ICECAA 2023, Namakkal (2023) .
  15. E.D. Roshan, R.T. Haripriyan, M.Y. Nandhini, C.K. Viknesh, R. Seetharaman and S. Gayathri, Truncate Threshold Segmentation of Skin Cancer using Computer Aided Diagnostic Tools, International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Smart Systems, ICSCSS 2023 - Proceedings, Coimbatore (2023) : pp723-727 .
  16. G. Bavatharani, T. Laxmikandan and T. Manimekalai, Multicarrier M-ary Permuted Quasi-Orthogonal Chaotic Vector Shift Keying with Index Modulation, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Karaikal (2023) (2466) .
  17. G. Supraja, J. Kruthika, G. Vijayakumari and V. Jeyalakshmi, Secured Vital Parameter Monitoring and Seamless Instant Alert System for Health Care Services, Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Networking and Communications 2023, ICNWC 2023, Chennai (2023) .
  18. J. Manivannan, M. Sowmiya and M.A. Bhagyaveni, An Energy Efficient Scheduling in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), 2023 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication, ICACIC 2023, Puducherry (2023) .
  19. M. Barath, S. Asha Pon and V. Jeyalakshmi, Heuristic Search based Test Pattern Compression Scheme, Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Networking and Communications 2023, ICNWC 2023, Chennai (2023) .
  20. M. Jayaram, R. Abhishek, R. Ananth Ram, A.C. Jenifer and B.M. Anjaneyulu, Multi-Domain Channel Estimation in SM-OTFS for Beyond 5G Wireless Systems, 2023 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking, ICSCAN 2023, Puducherry (2023) .
  21. M. Loganathan and M.A. Bhagyaveni, Design of Rectangular Slotted Microstrip Patch Antenna for V2V Communication at 38GHz, 2023 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication, ICACIC 2023, Puducherry (2023) .
  22. N.K. Kumar, C.K. Viknesh, A.S. Rajamani, D. Wishma, V. Vipraja and R. Seetharaman, Automatic Grading System of Parkinson's Disease using Smart App for Remote Monitoring System, 7th International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud), I-SMAC 2023 - Proceedings, Kirtipur (2023) : pp815-824 .
  23. R. Abhishek, R. Ananth Ram, R. Ann Caroline Jenifer and M. Jayaram, Performance Analysis of Multi-Level Error Corrected Hierarchical Modulation in Multiple Antenna Systems, 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing, ICoAC 2023, Hybrid, Chennai (2023) .
  24. R. Bharathiraja and M.A. Bhagyaveni, Investigating Rain Attenuation and Doppler Effects in 5G-Based V2V and V2I Communication, 2023 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication, ICACIC 2023, Puducherry (2023) .
  25. R. Seetharaman, A. Deepa, K. Mythily, V. Vidhya, S. Sunilkumar and P. Thirukumaran, Obfuscation Technique to Protect the Hardware IP Piracy, Proceedings - 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication, ICCMC 2023, Erode (2023) : pp1195-1198 .
  26. R. Seetharaman, R.R. Sreeja, S.V. Dakshin, N. Nivetha, S. Gowsigan and M. Barath, Analysis of a Real Time Fire Detection and Intimation System, Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology, ICSSIT 2023, Tirunelveli (2023) : pp1738-1741 .
  27. R. Seetharaman, S. Gayathri, M.V.T. Prasad, H.T. Selvan, S. Peruvazhuthi, C. Jayakumar and A. Sivanantham, Task based Approach for Smart Secure Data Transmission using TinyOS RTOS, 2023 International Conference on Recent Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Ubiquitous Communication, and Computational Intelligence, RAEEUCCI 2023, Chennai (2023) .
  28. R.K.R. Kanisha, C. Rimmya and M.G. Madhan, A review on techniques for improving mimo antenna performance in smart 5g devices, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Karaikal (2023) (2466) .
  29. S.R. Prasath, K. Gokulakrishnan, M. Subramanian and N. Mohan, Location based Context Awareness with Multipoint Transmission by ELAML Algorithm, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy, ICAIS 2023, Coimbatore (2023) : pp1421-1425 .
  30. A. Menaka, R. Seetharaman and K. Anandan, Wireless Stepper Motor Control using RF-Communication, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Innovative Practices in Technology and Management, ICIPTM 2022, Gautam Buddha Nagar (2022) : pp640-645 .
  31. B. Gopalakrishnan and M.A. Bhagyaveni, Anti-Jamming Wireless Communication Using Chaos-Based Code Selection Spread Spectrum Technique, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Aizawl (2022) (267) : pp551-559 .
  32. G. Jayandhi, J.S. Leena Jasmine, R. Seetharaman and S. Mary Joans, Breast Cancer Prediction Based on Mammographic data by Hybrid Resnet and Decision Tree, International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems, ICSCDS 2022 - Proceedings, Erode (2022) : pp234-238 .
  33. G. Jayandhi, J.S. Leena Jasmine, R. Seetharaman, S. Mary Joans and R. Priscilla Joy, Automatic Breast Tumor Cancer Diagnosis Based on a Hybrid Densenet, 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2022, Coimbatore (2022) : pp1210-1214 .
  34. G. Jayandhi, J.S. Leena Jasmine, R. Seetharaman, S.M. Joans and R. Priscilla Joy, Efficient Breast Cancer Prediction using Hybrid Deep Learning in mammographic images, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems, ICEARS 2022, Tuticorin (2022) : pp1366-1371 .
  35. G. Jayandhi, J.S.L. Jasmine, R. Seetharaman, S.M. Joans and R.P. Joy, An Effective Segmentation of Breast Cancer Using Modified U-NET, 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, ICACCS 2022, Coimbatore (2022) : pp1215-1218 .
  36. J. Kruthika, G.R. Nisha, R. Gayathri and V. Jeyalakshmi, SRAM Memory Built in Self-Test using MARCH Algorithm, Proceedings - International Conference on Augmented Intelligence and Sustainable Systems, ICAISS 2022, Trichy (2022) : pp1288-1292 .
  37. M. Jagatheeswari, S.E. Pon Pushpa, T. Jayasree, S. Aruna, K.K. Gaayathri and K.R. Gayathri, iBraille - An Arduino based Assistive Technology for the Blind, Proceedings - 2022 6th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems, ICICCS 2022, Madurai (2022) : pp962-965 .
  38. M. Shanmuga Sundari, S. Loganathan and C.M. Sujatha, Hardware Implementation of ECG Signal Compression Using SPIHT, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Kalavakkam, Virtual (2022) (2318) .
  39. R. Seetharaman, A. Menaka and K. Anandan, Analysis of Serializer for High Speed Transmission, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Nanomaterials, Nanobioscience and Nanotechnology, 5NANO 2022, Kottayam (2022) .
  40. R. Seetharaman, A. Menaka and K. Anandan, Design of Infrared Audio Transmitter and Receiver for point to point data transmission, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Nanomaterials, Nanobioscience and Nanotechnology, 5NANO 2022, Kottayam (2022) .
  41. R. Seetharaman, B. Varsha Poorani, K.S. Kumar, M. Tharun, S.S. Sreeja Mole and K. Anandan, A 4-element Dual Band MIMO Antenna with L-Shaped Decoupling Stub for 5G Applications, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Coimbatore (2022) (881) : pp781-790 .
  42. R. Seetharaman, I. Shivananth, M. Ganeshakumar, D. Anitha, K. Anandan and S. Gayathri, Development of Crowd Management System using FPGA Circuits, Proceedings - International Conference on Augmented Intelligence and Sustainable Systems, ICAISS 2022, Trichy (2022) .
  43. R. Seetharaman, M. Ramajayam, K. Kamalakannan, M. Vignesh, R.L. Saran, K. Anandan and S.S. Sreeja Mole, FPGA Based Morse Code Communicator for Visual and Speech Impaired People using Basys-3, Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems, ICEARS 2022, Tuticorin (2022) : pp1889-1894 .
  44. R. Seetharaman, M. Tharun, K. Anandan and S.S.S. Mole, A Smart Irrigation System Using Plant Maintenance Bot, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Coimbatore (2022) (436) : pp845-854 .
  45. R. Seetharaman, M. Tharun, S.S. Sreeja Mole and K. Anandan, Effective Design Approach of Yard Trimmer, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Nepal (2022) (351) : pp823-832 .
  46. R. Seetharaman, M. Tharun, S.S. Sreeja Mole and K. Anandan, Application of Li-Fi technique in underwater communication, Materials Today: Proceedings, Virtual, Online (2022) (51) : pp2249-2253 .
  47. R. Seetharaman, N. Nivetha, S. Vidhul Dakshin, K. Anandan and R.R. Sreeja, Arduino based System for Domestic Waste Water Management using pH Sensor, 6th International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud), I-SMAC 2022 - Proceedings, Dharan (2022) : pp352-355 .
  48. R.S. Joan, T. Manimekalai and T. Laxmikandan, Machine Learning Aided Resource Allocation in a Downlink Multicarrier NOMA network with Coordinated Direct and Relay Transmission, 2022 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing, AISP 2022, Vijayawada (2022) .
  49. S. Kripa and V. Jeyalakshmi, Attribute-based Maturity Grading of Mango Fruit by Machine Learning, Proceedings of 2022 International Conference on Intelligent Innovations in Engineering and Technology, ICIIET 2022, Coimbatore (2022) : pp329-334 .
  50. S. Loganathan, C.M. Sujatha, R. Guru Nivash, R. Krish Srinivas, J. Niveddita and V. Nivedha, Implementation of Convolutional Neural Network for Epileptic Seizure Detection, Proceedings of 2022 International Conference on Intelligent Innovations in Engineering and Technology, ICIIET 2022, Coimbatore (2022) : pp106-110 .
  51. T. Athisaya Anushya, T. Laxmikandan and T. Manimekalai, Zero Padded Dual Index Trimode OFDM-IM, 2022 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, WiSPNET 2022, Chennai (2022) : pp94-98 .
  52. D. Anitha, A. Ramadevi and R. Seetharaman, Activated Mangosteen shell in removal of mercury ion from aqueous solution, Materials Today: Proceedings, Sathy (2021) (45) : pp658-662 .
  53. D. Anitha, A. Ramadevi and R. Seetharaman, Biosorptive removal of Nickel(II) from aqueous solution by Mangosteen shell activated carbon, Materials Today: Proceedings, Sathy (2021) (45) : pp718-722 .
  54. M. Viswanath, R. Seetharaman and D. Nedumaran, Dipole antenna for transmission of high frequency waves, Materials Today: Proceedings, Sathy (2021) (45) : pp1128-1133 .
  55. M. Viswanath, R. Seetharaman and D. Nedumaran, Analysis of piezoelectric materials using sawtooth corrugation technique, Materials Today: Proceedings, Sathy (2021) (45) : pp1026-1030 .
  56. R. Priyadharshini and G. Geetha, An overview of DAPSK - OFDMA Fundamentals and Design Considerations, Proceedings - 1st International Conference on Smart Technologies Communication and Robotics, STCR 2021, Sathyamangalam (2021) .
  57. R. Seetharaman and C.K. Chevula, Analysis of Small Loop Antenna Using Numerical EM Technique, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Virtual, Online (2021) (749 LNEE) : pp255-265 .
  58. R. Seetharaman, D. Rahul, H.M. Lakshmanan, S. Gayathri, S.S.S. Mole and K. Anandan, Automatic Identification of Leaf Disease using Image Segmentation Method, IEMECON 2021 - 10th International Conference on Internet of Everything, Microwave Engineering, Communication and Networks, Jaipur (2021) .
  59. R. Seetharaman, M. Tharun, S.S. Sreeja Mole and K. Anandan, Design of Speech Device Software using Optical Character Recognition Method, 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology, AGERS 2021 - Proceeding, Jakarta (2021) : pp147-154 .
  60. S. Karthika, V. Kalyana Rangan, K. Aditya, A.A. Kumar and D. Selvakumar, IOT BASED CROP PROTECTION SYSTEM, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems, ICCES 2021, Coimbatre (2021) : pp663-668 .
  61. S. Sharmila Devi and V. Bhanumathi, A Novel Reversible Carry Look Ahead Adder for Bio-Medical Applications, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Coimbatore, Virtual (2021) (1937) .
  62. V. Rajagopal and B. Velusamy, Hybrid optimization method for WSN data collection using mobile sink based on TSP approach, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Savannah (2021) (3283) : pp197-202 .