Latest Journals (Scopus indexed)
- A. Anbalagan, V.S. Ramalingam, E.F. Sundarsingh and S. Subbaraj, A novel microwave-based non-destructive testing system for detection of sub-surface defects in natural flax fiber reinforced composite material, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 2024 A novel microwave-based non-destructive testing system for detection of sub-surface defects in natural flax fiber reinforced composite material (4) : pp693-706 .
- A. Mathivanan, A. Veeraselvam and G.N.A. Mohammed, A Novel Miniaturized THz Refractive Index-Based Electric Permittivity Sensor, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2024 A Novel Miniaturized THz Refractive Index-Based Electric Permittivity Sensor (1) .
- A. Mathivanan, S. Palaniswamy and G.N.A. Mohammed, An ultra-miniaturized equipoise swastik-shaped THz absorber, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2024 An ultra-miniaturized equipoise swastik-shaped THz absorber (7) .
- A.D. Dhanapal, S.M.A. Ramanujan and V. Jeyalakshmi, Trust-Free Homes: The Zero-Trust Paradigm in a Smart Home Setting, Internet of Things, 2024 Trust-Free Homes: The Zero-Trust Paradigm in a Smart Home Setting : pp335-349 .
- B. Parveez Shariff, T. Ali, P.R. Mane, M.G.N. Alsath, P. Kumar, S. Pathan, A.A. Kishk and T. Khan, Design and Measurement of a Compact Millimeter Wave Highly Flexible MIMO Antenna Loaded with Metamaterial Reflective Surface for Wearable Applications, IEEE Access, 2024 Design and Measurement of a Compact Millimeter Wave Highly Flexible MIMO Antenna Loaded with Metamaterial Reflective Surface for Wearable Applications .
- B.G. Parveez Shariff, T. Ali, P. Kumar, S. Pathan, G.D. Goutham Simha, P.R. Mane, M. Gulam Nabi Alsath and A.-A.A. Boulogeorgos, Dual-Band Compact Six-Element Millimeter Wave MIMO Antenna: Design, Characterization, and Its Application for V2V Communication, IEEE Access, 2024 Dual-Band Compact Six-Element Millimeter Wave MIMO Antenna: Design, Characterization, and Its Application for V2V Communication : pp97951-97968 .
- G. Govindarajan, G.N.A. Mohammed, A. Premanand and K. Savarimuthu, Optimum design of a novel Ku-band rasorber for RADAR warfare systems using ML neural network, AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2024 Optimum design of a novel Ku-band rasorber for RADAR warfare systems using ML neural network .
- G. Govindarajan, G.N.A. Mohammed, A. Premanand and K. Savarimuthu, Optimum design of a novel Ku-band rasorber for RADAR warfare systems using ML neural network, AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2024 Optimum design of a novel Ku-band rasorber for RADAR warfare systems using ML neural network .
- G. Govindarajan, M.G. Nabi Alsath, K. Savarimuthu and M. Kanagasabai, A meta-analysis of frequency selective rasorber (FSR), International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2024 A meta-analysis of frequency selective rasorber (FSR) .
- G. Govindarajan, M.G.N. Alsath, K. Savarimuthu and M. Kanagasabai, A novel dual-band absorber for millimeter-wave RADAR applications, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2024 A novel dual-band absorber for millimeter-wave RADAR applications .
- H. Raut, S. Kingsly, S. Subbaraj and R. Malekar, EBG-based slotted T-shaped antenna for sub-6 GHz 5G application, International Journal of Electronics Letters, 2024 EBG-based slotted T-shaped antenna for sub-6 GHz 5G application .
- J.A. Joy, S.K. Palaniswamy, S. Kumar, M. Kanagasabai, S. Bashyam and M.I. Hussein, Modern Reflectarray Antennas: A Review of the Design, State-of-the-Art, and Research Challenges, IEEE Access, 2024 Modern Reflectarray Antennas: A Review of the Design, State-of-the-Art, and Research Challenges : pp46717-46740 .
- K. Narayanasamy, G.N.A. Mohammed and S. Arunkumar, A bandwidth-enhanced orthogonally polarized dual band reflectarray antenna, AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2024 A bandwidth-enhanced orthogonally polarized dual band reflectarray antenna .
- K. Ramany, R. Shankararajan, K. Savarimuthu, I. Gunasekaran, S. Venkatachalapathy and G. Rajamanickam, Experimental Validation of TiO
2 Shielded ZnO Nanorods Synthesized via Low-Temperature Solution-Based Method for Sewage System [Gas (CO and CH4 ) and Acceleration Sensing], Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies, 2024 Experimental Validation of TiO2 Shielded ZnO Nanorods Synthesized via Low-Temperature Solution-Based Method for Sewage System [Gas (CO and CH4 ) and Acceleration Sensing] (1) : pp49-52 . - K. Shreya, E.H. Shaik, V.R. Balaji, S.S. Dhanabalan, T. Sridarshini and G. Hegde, PhC structure for high contrast XOR/OR/NOT logic, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2024 PhC structure for high contrast XOR/OR/NOT logic (5) .
- L. Kannappan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, S. Kumar, J.K. Pakkathillam and D. Gangwar, Design and measurement of a thirty-two-port MIMO/diversity antenna based on radiator-ground isomorphic inverse approach for intelligent vehicular internet of things communications, Vehicular Communications, 2024 Design and measurement of a thirty-two-port MIMO/diversity antenna based on radiator-ground isomorphic inverse approach for intelligent vehicular internet of things communications .
- L. Viswanathan, M. Kanagasabai and G.N.A. Mohammed, Conformal ultra-miniaturized frequency selective surface for medical shielding applications, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2024 Conformal ultra-miniaturized frequency selective surface for medical shielding applications .
- L. Viswanathan, M. Kanagasabai and G.N.A. Mohammed, Conformal ultra-miniaturized frequency selective surface for medical shielding applications, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2024 Conformal ultra-miniaturized frequency selective surface for medical shielding applications .
- L.B. Thamil Amudhu, R.V. Samsingh, S.E. Florence and S. Sathyanarayan, Performance Assessment of Nanofiber Integrated Polymer Composite as Electromagnetic Wave Absorber, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2024 Performance Assessment of Nanofiber Integrated Polymer Composite as Electromagnetic Wave Absorber .
- L.B.T. Amudhu, R.V. Samsingh, S.E. Florence and C.A. Prakash, Electromagnetic wave absorption and mechanical properties of 3D-printed PLA composite reinforced with graphene and iron (III) oxide for X-band absorbers, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2024 Electromagnetic wave absorption and mechanical properties of 3D-printed PLA composite reinforced with graphene and iron (III) oxide for X-band absorbers (18) .
- L.B.T. Amudhu, R.V. Samsingh, S.E. Florence and V. Thangarasu, Enhanced microwave absorption and mechanical performance of polyvinylidene fluoride thin films embedded with novel activated carbon and manganese ferrite, Polymer Composites, 2024 Enhanced microwave absorption and mechanical performance of polyvinylidene fluoride thin films embedded with novel activated carbon and manganese ferrite .
- M. Kanagasabai, L. Viswanathan, M.G.N. Alsath and H. Priya K, A Novel Closely Spaced Multiband Complementary Frequency-Selective Surface for Shielding Wireless Communication, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2024 A Novel Closely Spaced Multiband Complementary Frequency-Selective Surface for Shielding Wireless Communication (6) : pp1917-1921 .
- M. Kanagasabai, L. Viswanathan, S.P. Premkumar and G.N.A. Mohammed, An ultra-miniaturized single-layer multiband frequency selective surface with vent for wireless communication, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2024 An ultra-miniaturized single-layer multiband frequency selective surface with vent for wireless communication (13) .
- M. Kanagasabai, L. Viswanathan, S.P. Premkumar and G.N.A. Mohammed, An ultra-miniaturized single-layer multiband frequency selective surface with vent for wireless communication, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2024 An ultra-miniaturized single-layer multiband frequency selective surface with vent for wireless communication .
- M. Kanagasabai, S. Ramadoss, L. Viswanathan, G.N.A. Mohammed, S. Shanmuganathan and S.K. Palaniswamy, A Novel Ultra-Miniaturized Angularly Stable Frequency Selective Surface for L-Band Shielding Applications, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2024 A Novel Ultra-Miniaturized Angularly Stable Frequency Selective Surface for L-Band Shielding Applications .
- M. Kanagasabai, S. Ramadoss, L. Viswanathan, G.N.A. Mohammed, S. Shanmuganathan and S.K. Palaniswamy, A Novel Ultra-Miniaturized Angularly Stable Frequency Selective Surface for L-Band Shielding Applications, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2024 A Novel Ultra-Miniaturized Angularly Stable Frequency Selective Surface for L-Band Shielding Applications .
- P. Chellamuthu, K. Savarimuthu, G.N. Alsath M and G. Rajamanickam, Experimental investigations and characterization of surfactant activated Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO) Nanomaterial, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2024 Experimental investigations and characterization of surfactant activated Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO) Nanomaterial .
- P. Chellamuthu, K. Savarimuthu, G.N. Alsath M and G. Rajamanickam, Experimental investigations and characterization of surfactant activated Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO) Nanomaterial, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2024 Experimental investigations and characterization of surfactant activated Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO) Nanomaterial .
- P. Sumithra, M.G.N. Alsath, K. Jegadishkumar and D. Kannadassan, RF Circuit Analysis of UWB Planar Log Periodic Antenna for 5G Communications using the Theory of Characteristics Modes, IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2024 RF Circuit Analysis of UWB Planar Log Periodic Antenna for 5G Communications using the Theory of Characteristics Modes .
- R. Binowesley, K. Savarimuthu, K. Ramany and G. Rajamanickam, Experimental Evaluation of Tailored Double Heterojunction Non-Toxic Metal Oxide-Based Nanostructured Sensor for Multi-Sensing Application, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2024 Experimental Evaluation of Tailored Double Heterojunction Non-Toxic Metal Oxide-Based Nanostructured Sensor for Multi-Sensing Application : pp164-169 .
- R. Binowesley, K. Savarimuthu, K. Ramany and P. Chellamuthu, Experimental investigation of sandwich-modelled sensor tailored using TiO
2 and ZnO for dual sensing environmental monitoring application, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2024 Experimental investigation of sandwich-modelled sensor tailored using TiO2 and ZnO for dual sensing environmental monitoring application (1) . - R. Binowesley, K. Savarimuthu, M. Gulam Nabi Alsath and M. Ramya, Enhanced dual sensing capabilities of TiO
2 :ZnO metal oxide sensors with machine learning approach, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2024 Enhanced dual sensing capabilities of TiO2 :ZnO metal oxide sensors with machine learning approach (36) . - S. Asha Pon and V. Jeyalakshmi, A Novel Test Pattern Optimization Method Using Recurrent Neural Network, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2024 A Novel Test Pattern Optimization Method Using Recurrent Neural Network (4) .
- S. Ramasamy and A. Madhu, A compact tri-band MIMO antenna for WLAN and 5G applications, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 2024 A compact tri-band MIMO antenna for WLAN and 5G applications (2) .
- S. Shanmuganathan, M. Kanagasabai, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Ramadoss and S.K. Palaniswamy, Optically transparent coplanar wideband antenna for vehicular communication, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2024 Optically transparent coplanar wideband antenna for vehicular communication .
- S. Shanmuganathan, M. Kanagasabai, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Ramadoss and S.K. Palaniswamy, Optically transparent coplanar wideband antenna for vehicular communication, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2024 Optically transparent coplanar wideband antenna for vehicular communication .
- S. Sivaranjini and C.M. Sujatha, Analysis of cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease using voxel based morphometry and radiomics, Cognitive Processing, 2024 Analysis of cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease using voxel based morphometry and radiomics .
- S. Subbaraj, S.B. Thomas and S. Kingsly, Millimetre wave antenna design for 5G applications, 5G and Beyond Wireless Communications: Fundamentals, Applications, and Challenges, 2024 Millimetre wave antenna design for 5G applications : pp294-305 .
- S.A. Balakrishnan, E.F. Sundarsingh, V.S. Ramalingam and A. N, Conformal Microwave Sensor for Enhanced Driving Posture Monitoring and Thermal Comfort in Automotive Sector, IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, 2024 Conformal Microwave Sensor for Enhanced Driving Posture Monitoring and Thermal Comfort in Automotive Sector .
- S.A. Balakrishnan, V.S. Ramalingam, E.F. Sundarsingh, A. Anbalagan, A. Ramachandran, W. Ahmed, S. Raman and P. R, Detection and characterisation of defects in composite materials using microwave non-destructive testing methods, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2024 Detection and characterisation of defects in composite materials using microwave non-destructive testing methods .
- S.S. Arumai Shiney, R. Geetha, R. Seetharaman and M. Shanmugam, Leveraging Deep Learning Models for Targeted Aboveground Biomass Estimation in Specific Regions of Interest, Sustainability (Switzerland), 2024 Leveraging Deep Learning Models for Targeted Aboveground Biomass Estimation in Specific Regions of Interest (11) .
- V. Lavanya, C. Rimmya, R.K. Rabin Kanisha and M. Ganesh Madhan, A novel miniaturized metamaterial inspired frequency reconfigurable antenna with switchable polarization for sub 6 GHz band, Physica Scripta, 2024 A novel miniaturized metamaterial inspired frequency reconfigurable antenna with switchable polarization for sub 6 GHz band (12) .
- V. SathyaNarayanan, P. Agumbe, G.N. Alsath Mohammed and M. Kanagasabai, A Ku/K band dual linearly polarized Reflectarray for earth exploration satellite services, International Journal of Electronics, 2024 A Ku/K band dual linearly polarized Reflectarray for earth exploration satellite services .
- V. SathyaNarayanan, P. Agumbe, G.N. Alsath Mohammed and M. Kanagasabai, A Ku/K band dual linearly polarized Reflectarray for earth exploration satellite services, International Journal of Electronics, 2024 A Ku/K band dual linearly polarized Reflectarray for earth exploration satellite services .
- V. Sathyanarayanan, G.N. Alsath Mohammed, K. Savarimuthu and M. Kanagasabai, Wideband millimeter-wave reflectarray antenna with reduced cross-polarization, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2024 Wideband millimeter-wave reflectarray antenna with reduced cross-polarization .
- V. Sathyanarayanan, G.N. Alsath Mohammed, K. Savarimuthu and M. Kanagasabai, Wideband millimeter-wave reflectarray antenna with reduced cross-polarization, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2024 Wideband millimeter-wave reflectarray antenna with reduced cross-polarization .
- V. Sathyanarayanan, G.N. Alsath Mohammed, K. Savarimuthu and M. Kanagasabai, Wideband millimeter-wave reflectarray antenna with reduced cross-polarization, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2024 Wideband millimeter-wave reflectarray antenna with reduced cross-polarization .
- V.R. Balaji, M.A. Ibrar Jahan, T. Sridarshini, S. Geerthana, A. Thirumurugan, G. Hegde, R. Sitharthan and S.S. Dhanabalan, Machine learning enabled 2D photonic crystal biosensor for early cancer detection, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 2024 Machine learning enabled 2D photonic crystal biosensor for early cancer detection .
- V.R. Balaji, R.G. Jesuwanth Sugesh, N.R.G. Sreevani, S.S. Dhanabalan, T. Sridarshini and G. Hegde, 2D Photonic Crystal Nano Biosensor with IoT Intelligence, Internet of Things in Bioelectronics: Emerging Technologies and Applications, 2024 2D Photonic Crystal Nano Biosensor with IoT Intelligence : pp107-124 .
- A. Anbalagan, E.F. Sundarsingh, V.S. Ramalingam, A.P. Kapileshvar, K. Subramaniam, M.A. Asif and E. Manikandan, Smart Dynamic Position Tracking Wearable for Geofencing in Marine Environment, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023 Smart Dynamic Position Tracking Wearable for Geofencing in Marine Environment .
- A. Anbalagan, V.S. Ramalingam, E.F. Sundarsingh and S. Subbaraj, A novel microwave-based non-destructive testing system for detection of sub-surface defects in natural flax fiber reinforced composite material, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 2023 A novel microwave-based non-destructive testing system for detection of sub-surface defects in natural flax fiber reinforced composite material .
- A. Jasmine Vijithra and G.N.A. Mohammed, A novel filtering monopole antenna for 5G communications, COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2023 A novel filtering monopole antenna for 5G communications (6) : pp1609-1623 .
- A. Kamalaveni, M.G. Madhan, R.K.R. Kanisha and C. Rimmya, A Novel AMC-Based MIMO Antenna for Body Centric Wireless Networks, Wireless Personal Communications, 2023 A Novel AMC-Based MIMO Antenna for Body Centric Wireless Networks (3) : pp1881-1891 .
- A. Sethy, N. Shaik, V. Saravanan and S. Karthika, The future with AI and AI in action, Toward Artificial General Intelligence: Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Generative AI, 2023 The future with AI and AI in action : pp213-232 .
- A.G. David, V.S. Ramalingam and E.F. Sundarsingh, A novel real time sensing framework for assessment of thrust force in drilling of composites using Taguchi and NSGA-II, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2023 A novel real time sensing framework for assessment of thrust force in drilling of composites using Taguchi and NSGA-II .
- B. Krishnamoorthi, B. Elizabeth Caroline, M. Michael and S. Thirumaran, A novel rhombic shaped photonic crystal bio-sensor for identifying disorders in the blood samples, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2023 A novel rhombic shaped photonic crystal bio-sensor for identifying disorders in the blood samples (4) .
- C.K. Viknesh, P.N. Kumar, R. Seetharaman and D. Anitha, Detection and Classification of Melanoma Skin Cancer Using Image Processing Technique, Diagnostics, 2023 Detection and Classification of Melanoma Skin Cancer Using Image Processing Technique (21) .
- G. Govindarajan, G.N.A. Mohammed, K. Savarimuthu and A. Veeraselvam, Miniaturized electromagnetic absorber for millimeter-wave RADAR systems, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 2023 Miniaturized electromagnetic absorber for millimeter-wave RADAR systems (8) .
- G. Govindarajan, G.N.A. Mohammed, K. Savarimuthu and A. Veeraselvam, Miniaturized electromagnetic absorber for millimeter-wave RADAR systems, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 2023 Miniaturized electromagnetic absorber for millimeter-wave RADAR systems (8) .
- J.V. Ayyappan, G.N.A. Mohammed and S. Subbaraj, A four-port wideband filtering monopole MIMO array for sub-6 GHz 5G communications, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2023 A four-port wideband filtering monopole MIMO array for sub-6 GHz 5G communications (9) : pp1620-1629 .
- J.V. Ayyappan, G.N.A. Mohammed and S. Subbaraj, A four-port wideband filtering monopole MIMO array for sub-6 GHz 5G communications, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2023 A four-port wideband filtering monopole MIMO array for sub-6 GHz 5G communications (9) : pp1620-1629 .
- K. Kalaivanan, G. Idayachandran, P. Vetrivelan, A. Henridass, V. Bhanumathi, E. Chang and P.S. Methuselah, An Energy-Efficient T-Based Routing Topology for Target Tracking in Battery Operated Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensors, 2023 An Energy-Efficient T-Based Routing Topology for Target Tracking in Battery Operated Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks (4) .
- K. Karunanithy, B. Velusamy, S. Krishnakumar and J.S. V, Energy Efficient Data Routing in Land-Slide Prone Area using Wireless Sensor Networks with Drone, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023 Energy Efficient Data Routing in Land-Slide Prone Area using Wireless Sensor Networks with Drone .
- K. Narayanasamy, G.N. Alsath Mohammed and K. Savarimuthu, Design and analysis of single layer Ku/K band integrated element reflectarray antenna, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2023 Design and analysis of single layer Ku/K band integrated element reflectarray antenna .
- K. Narayanasamy, G.N. Alsath Mohammed and K. Savarimuthu, Design and analysis of single layer Ku/K band integrated element reflectarray antenna, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2023 Design and analysis of single layer Ku/K band integrated element reflectarray antenna .
- K. Narayanasamy, G.N.A. Mohammed and S. Karthie, Development of bandwidth-enhanced X–Ku band reflectarray antenna using a novel design strategy, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2023 Development of bandwidth-enhanced X–Ku band reflectarray antenna using a novel design strategy (14) .
- K. Ramany, R. Shankararajan and K. Savarimuthu, Development of Eco-Friendly TiO
2 Doped ZnO Nanorods Based Dual Functional Sensor for the Sewage System Monitoring, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2023 Development of Eco-Friendly TiO2 Doped ZnO Nanorods Based Dual Functional Sensor for the Sewage System Monitoring : pp45-51 . - L. Kannappan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai and S. Kumar, A Car Logo Design-Inspired CPW-Fed Semitransparent Antenna for Vehicular Applications, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2023 A Car Logo Design-Inspired CPW-Fed Semitransparent Antenna for Vehicular Applications .
- L. Kannappan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, Sachin Kumar, M.G.N. Alsath and T.R. Rao, Compact dual-band MIMO cubical antenna for automotive applications, International Journal of Electronics, 2023 Compact dual-band MIMO cubical antenna for automotive applications (4) : pp768-787 .
- L. Kannappan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, Sachin Kumar, M.G.N. Alsath and T.R. Rao, Compact dual-band MIMO cubical antenna for automotive applications, International Journal of Electronics, 2023 Compact dual-band MIMO cubical antenna for automotive applications (4) : pp768-787 .
- L. Kannappan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, J.K. Pakkathillam, S. Kumar and M.I. Hussein, Quad-port multiservice integrated optically transparent automotive antenna for vehicular classification applications, Scientific Reports, 2023 Quad-port multiservice integrated optically transparent automotive antenna for vehicular classification applications (1) .
- L.B.T. Amudhu, R.V. Samsingh, S.E. Florence and B.S. Abirami, Novel radar absorbing material using resistive frequency selective surface based polymer composites for enhanced broadband microwave absorption, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 2023 Novel radar absorbing material using resistive frequency selective surface based polymer composites for enhanced broadband microwave absorption (10) : pp2115-2125 .
- L.B.T. Amudhu, R.V. Samsingh, S.E. Florence and B.S. Abirami, Low-Profile Polymer Composite Radar Absorber Embedded With Frequency Selective Surface, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2023 Low-Profile Polymer Composite Radar Absorber Embedded With Frequency Selective Surface (3) : pp444-447 .
- M. Alagappan, T. Sridarshini and P.S. Sowbarnika, Flexible thin films for electronics, Advances in Flexible and Printed Electronics: Materials, fabrication, and applications, 2023 Flexible thin films for electronics .
- M. Kanagasabai, P. Sambandam and M. Gulam Nabi Alsath, Compact ultra-wideband pattern diversity antenna for body-centric communications, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2023 Compact ultra-wideband pattern diversity antenna for body-centric communications (2) : pp245-254 .
- M. Kanagasabai, P. Sambandam, M.G.N. Alsath, V. Murugesan, S. Palaniswamy and A. Shrivastav, Low profile multi-polarization diversity UWB antenna for body centric communications, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2023 Low profile multi-polarization diversity UWB antenna for body centric communications (4) : pp560-571 .
- M. Kanagasabai, P. Sambandam, M.G.N. Alsath, V. Murugesan, S. Palaniswamy and A. Shrivastav, Low profile multi-polarization diversity UWB antenna for body centric communications, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2023 Low profile multi-polarization diversity UWB antenna for body centric communications (4) : pp560-571 .
- M. Kanagasabai, S. Shanmuganathan, M.G.N. Alsath and J. Govindan, Novel Low Profile Beam Switchable 5G Sub-6 GHz E-GSM Antenna for Vehicular Communication, International Journal of Electronics, 2023 Novel Low Profile Beam Switchable 5G Sub-6 GHz E-GSM Antenna for Vehicular Communication .
- M. Kanagasabai, S. Shanmuganathan, M.G.N. Alsath and J. Govindan, Novel Low Profile Beam Switchable 5G Sub-6 GHz E-GSM Antenna for Vehicular Communication, International Journal of Electronics, 2023 Novel Low Profile Beam Switchable 5G Sub-6 GHz E-GSM Antenna for Vehicular Communication .
- M.G. Nabi Alsath, P.D. Sowjanya, S. Kirubaveni and V. Indu, Optically Transparent MIMO Antenna with Polarisation Diversity for Vehicular Communications, International Journal of Electronics, 2023 Optically Transparent MIMO Antenna with Polarisation Diversity for Vehicular Communications .
- M.G. Nabi Alsath, P.D. Sowjanya, S. Kirubaveni and V. Indu, Optically Transparent MIMO Antenna with Polarisation Diversity for Vehicular Communications, International Journal of Electronics, 2023 Optically Transparent MIMO Antenna with Polarisation Diversity for Vehicular Communications .
- P. Kumar, M.P. MM, P. Kumar, T. Ali, M.G.N. Alsath and V. Suresh, Characteristics Mode Analysis-Inspired Compact UWB Antenna with WLAN and X-Band Notch Features for Wireless Applications, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 2023 Characteristics Mode Analysis-Inspired Compact UWB Antenna with WLAN and X-Band Notch Features for Wireless Applications (3) .
- P.S.B. G, P.R. Mane, P. Kumar, T. Ali and M.G. Nabi Alsath, Planar MIMO antenna for mmWave applications: Evolution, present status & future scope, Heliyon, 2023 Planar MIMO antenna for mmWave applications: Evolution, present status & future scope (2) .
- R. Ann Caroline Jenifer, M.A. Bhagyaveni, V. Saroj Malini and M. Shanmugapriya, Shaped Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Based Waveform for Fifth Generation Communication, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2023 Shaped Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Based Waveform for Fifth Generation Communication (2) : pp2165-2176 .
- R. Binowesley, K. Savarimuthu, R. Shankararajan and I. Gunasekaran, Experimental performance evaluation of non-toxic metal oxide synthesized via solid-state reaction for room temperature-sensing applications, Bulletin of Materials Science, 2023 Experimental performance evaluation of non-toxic metal oxide synthesized via solid-state reaction for room temperature-sensing applications (3) .
- S. G. and J. Veeranan, Throughput maximization and reliable wireless communication in NOMA using chained fog structure and weighted energy efficiency power allocation approach, Computer Communications, 2023 Throughput maximization and reliable wireless communication in NOMA using chained fog structure and weighted energy efficiency power allocation approach : pp147-157 .
- S. Geerthana, T. Sridarshini, S. Syedakbar, S. Nithya, V.R. Balaji, A. Thirumurugan and S.S. Dhanabalan, A novel 2D-PhC based ring resonator design with flexible structural defects for CWDM applications, Physica Scripta, 2023 A novel 2D-PhC based ring resonator design with flexible structural defects for CWDM applications (10) .
- S. Geerthana, T. Sridarshini, V.R. Balaji, R. Sitharthan, K. Madurakavi, A. Thirumurugan and S.S. Dhanabalan, Ultra compact 2D- PhC based sharp bend splitters for terahertz applications, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2023 Ultra compact 2D- PhC based sharp bend splitters for terahertz applications (9) .
- S. Karthika and P. Indumathi, Efficient MFR Scheduler Algorithm for OFDMA Cellular System, Wireless Personal Communications, 2023 Efficient MFR Scheduler Algorithm for OFDMA Cellular System (4) : pp2685-2701 .
- S. Prasad, M. Meenakshi and P.H. Rao, Three-dimensional shaped and contour pattern synthesis with multiple beam approach, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2023 Three-dimensional shaped and contour pattern synthesis with multiple beam approach (3) : pp873-880 .
- S. Prasad, M. Meenakshi and P.H. Rao, Shaped beam from multiple beams using planar phased arrays, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2023 Shaped beam from multiple beams using planar phased arrays (4) : pp592-604 .
- S. Senthilmurugan and K. Gunaseelan, Fin Field Effect Transistor with Active 4-Bit Arithmetic Operations in 22 nm Technology, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2023 Fin Field Effect Transistor with Active 4-Bit Arithmetic Operations in 22 nm Technology (2) : pp1323-1336 .
- S. Subbaraj and S.B. Thomas, Reconfigurable Antennas and Their Practical Applications—A Review, Radio Science, 2023 Reconfigurable Antennas and Their Practical Applications—A Review (9) .
- S. Sundarraj and G. Konganathan, A Novel Energy Efficient Harvesting Technique for SDWSN using RF Transmitters with MISO Beamforming, International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 2023 A Novel Energy Efficient Harvesting Technique for SDWSN using RF Transmitters with MISO Beamforming (1) : pp125-133 .
- S. Wickramasinghe, J. Jayasinghe, G.N.A. Mohammed, M. Senadeera and M. Kanagasabai, A Compact Energy Harvesting RFID Tag for Smart Traffic Law Enforcement Systems, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2023 A Compact Energy Harvesting RFID Tag for Smart Traffic Law Enforcement Systems : pp181-193 .
- S. Wickramasinghe, J. Jayasinghe, G.N.A. Mohammed, M. Senadeera and M. Kanagasabai, A Compact Energy Harvesting RFID Tag for Smart Traffic Law Enforcement Systems, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 2023 A Compact Energy Harvesting RFID Tag for Smart Traffic Law Enforcement Systems : pp181-193 .
- T. Govindan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, S. Kumar and M.G.N. Alsath, Low specific absorption rate quad-port multiple-input-multiple-output limber antenna integrated with flexible frequency selective surface for WBAN applications, Flexible and Printed Electronics, 2023 Low specific absorption rate quad-port multiple-input-multiple-output limber antenna integrated with flexible frequency selective surface for WBAN applications (1) .
- T. Govindan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, S. Kumar and M.G.N. Alsath, Low specific absorption rate quad-port multiple-input-multiple-output limber antenna integrated with flexible frequency selective surface for WBAN applications, Flexible and Printed Electronics, 2023 Low specific absorption rate quad-port multiple-input-multiple-output limber antenna integrated with flexible frequency selective surface for WBAN applications (1) .
- T. Govindan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, S. Kumar, R. Agarwal, R. Kumar and D. Panigrahy, Design and Analysis of a Conformal MIMO Ingestible Bolus Sensor Antenna for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy for Animal Husbandry, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023 Design and Analysis of a Conformal MIMO Ingestible Bolus Sensor Antenna for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy for Animal Husbandry (22) : pp28150-28158 .
- T. Sridarshini, S. Geerthana, V.R. Balaji, A. Thirumurugan, R. Sitharthan, A. Sivanantha Raja and S.S. Dhanabalan, Ultra-compact all-optical logical circuits for photonic integrated circuits, Laser Physics, 2023 Ultra-compact all-optical logical circuits for photonic integrated circuits (7) .
- T. Sridarshini, S.S. Dhanabalan, V.R. Balaji, A. Manjula, S. Indira Gandhi and A. Sivanantha Raja, Photonic Crystal Based Routers for All Optical Communication Networks, Modeling and Optimization of Optical Communication Networks, 2023 Photonic Crystal Based Routers for All Optical Communication Networks : pp137-162 .
- V. Kavitha, V.R. Balaji, S.S. Dhanabalan, T. Sridarshini, S. Robinson, M. Radhouene, G. Hegde and R.G.J. Sugesh, Design and performance analysis of eight channel demultiplexer using 2D photonic crystal with trapezium cavity, Journal of Optics (United Kingdom), 2023 Design and performance analysis of eight channel demultiplexer using 2D photonic crystal with trapezium cavity (6) .
- V. Rajagopal, B. Velusamy and S. Rathinasamy, Double Q-learning-based adaptive trajectory selection for energy-efficient data collection in wireless sensor networks, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2023 Double Q-learning-based adaptive trajectory selection for energy-efficient data collection in wireless sensor networks (7) .
- V. Rajagopal, B. Velusamy, M. Krishnan and S. Rathinasamy, Energy efficient data gathering using mobile sink in IoT for reliable irrigation, Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 2023 Energy efficient data gathering using mobile sink in IoT for reliable irrigation .
- V. Vanitha, S.E. Florence, A. Alaguraj and L. Janaki Gollamudi, Design of Wideband Two-Sided Bandpass Frequency Selective Surface for X, Ka, and Ku Band Application, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2023 Design of Wideband Two-Sided Bandpass Frequency Selective Surface for X, Ka, and Ku Band Application .
- A. Anbalagan, E.F. Sundarsingh and V.S. Ramalingam, Realization of a Novel Weaving Framework in Looms for Manufacturing of E-Textiles, IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2022 Realization of a Novel Weaving Framework in Looms for Manufacturing of E-Textiles (2) : pp199-208 .
- A. Veeraselvam, G.N.A. Mohammed, K. Savarimuthu and P.D. Vijayaraman, An Ultra-Thin Multiband Refractive Index-Based Carcinoma Sensor Using THz Radiation, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022 An Ultra-Thin Multiband Refractive Index-Based Carcinoma Sensor Using THz Radiation (3) : pp2045-2052 .
- A. Veeraselvam, G.N.A. Mohammed, K. Savarimuthu and P.D. Vijayaraman, An Ultra-Thin Multiband Refractive Index-Based Carcinoma Sensor Using THz Radiation, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022 An Ultra-Thin Multiband Refractive Index-Based Carcinoma Sensor Using THz Radiation (3) : pp2045-2052 .
- A.R. Aruna, J. Kamala and C.R.S. Hanuman, A novel expeditious switching circuit design for non volatile combinational circuit, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2022 A novel expeditious switching circuit design for non volatile combinational circuit (3) : pp331-342 .
- A.R. Aruna, J. Kamala and C.R.S. Hanuman, A novel expeditious switching circuit design for non volatile combinational circuit, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2022 A novel expeditious switching circuit design for non volatile combinational circuit (3) : pp331-342 .
- A.R. Aruna, J. Kamala, C.R.S. Hanuman and D. Vaithiyanathan, Analysis Optimum Sizing of 12 T PCSA for High Speed Soft Error Tolerant Logic Circuits Design, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, 2022 Analysis Optimum Sizing of 12 T PCSA for High Speed Soft Error Tolerant Logic Circuits Design .
- A.R. Aruna, J. Kamala, C.R.S. Hanuman and D. Vaithiyanathan, Analysis Optimum Sizing of 12 T PCSA for High Speed Soft Error Tolerant Logic Circuits Design, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, 2022 Analysis Optimum Sizing of 12 T PCSA for High Speed Soft Error Tolerant Logic Circuits Design (6) : pp3473-3485 .
- B. Ashvanth, B. Partibane and M.G.N. Alsath, An Ultraminiaturized Frequency Selective Surface with Angular and Polarization Stability, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2022 An Ultraminiaturized Frequency Selective Surface with Angular and Polarization Stability (1) : pp114-118 .
- B. Velusamy and V. Rajagopal, Framework for blockchain-based smart healthcare systems, Empirical Research for Futuristic E-Commerce Systems: Foundations and Applications, 2022 Framework for blockchain-based smart healthcare systems : pp245-270 .
- C. Mohan and S.E. Florence, Miniaturised Triangular Microstrip Antenna with Metamaterial for Wireless Sensor Node Applications, IETE Journal of Research, 2022 Miniaturised Triangular Microstrip Antenna with Metamaterial for Wireless Sensor Node Applications (2) : pp1177-1182 .
- C.M.N. Sudha, K. Gokulakrishnan and J.J.V. Nayahi, IoT-Based Secure Smart Healthcare Solutions, Security Engineering for Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems, 2022 IoT-Based Secure Smart Healthcare Solutions : pp25-47 .
- C.P. Sangeetha and V. Bhanumathi, An Emergency Slot Handling Method for In-hospital Wireless Body Sensor Networks, Ad-Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, 2022 An Emergency Slot Handling Method for In-hospital Wireless Body Sensor Networks (1-2) : pp73-95 .
- D. Potti, G.N.A. Mohammed, K. Savarimuthu and B.B. Pamula, Multilayer thin film based optically transparent dual-band automotive windshield antenna, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2022 Multilayer thin film based optically transparent dual-band automotive windshield antenna (4) .
- D. Potti, G.N.A. Mohammed, K. Savarimuthu and B.B. Pamula, Multilayer thin film based optically transparent dual-band automotive windshield antenna, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2022 Multilayer thin film based optically transparent dual-band automotive windshield antenna (4) .
- D. Potti, G.N.A. Mohammed, K. Savarimuthu, M. Kanagasabai, V.R.R. Yeragudipati, J.W. Jayasinghe and D.N. Udwawala, An optically transparent circularly polarized ultrahigh-frequency radio frequency identification reader antenna, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2022 An optically transparent circularly polarized ultrahigh-frequency radio frequency identification reader antenna (8) .
- D. Potti, G.N.A. Mohammed, K. Savarimuthu, M. Kanagasabai, V.R.R. Yeragudipati, J.W. Jayasinghe and D.N. Udwawala, An optically transparent circularly polarized ultrahigh-frequency radio frequency identification reader antenna, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2022 An optically transparent circularly polarized ultrahigh-frequency radio frequency identification reader antenna (8) .
- D. Potti, G.N.A. Mohammed, K. Savarimuthu, M. Kanagasabai, V.R.R. Yeragudipati, J.W. Jayasinghe and D.N. Udwawala, An optically transparent circularly polarized ultrahigh-frequency radio frequency identification reader antenna, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2022 An optically transparent circularly polarized ultrahigh-frequency radio frequency identification reader antenna (8) .
- D. Potti, S. Kirubaveni, G. Sudhilaya, M.G.N. Alsath and S. Radha, Thin film based optically transparent circular monopole antenna for wideband applications, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2022 Thin film based optically transparent circular monopole antenna for wideband applications (2) : pp301-309 .
- D. Potti, S. Kirubaveni, G. Sudhilaya, M.G.N. Alsath and S. Radha, Thin film based optically transparent circular monopole antenna for wideband applications, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2022 Thin film based optically transparent circular monopole antenna for wideband applications (2) : pp301-309 .
- D. Thangarasu, R.R. Thipparaju, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, M.G.N. Alsath, D. Potti and S. Kumar, On the Design and Performance Analysis of Flexible Planar Monopole Ultra-Wideband Antennas for Wearable Wireless Applications, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2022 On the Design and Performance Analysis of Flexible Planar Monopole Ultra-Wideband Antennas for Wearable Wireless Applications .
- D. Thangarasu, R.R. Thipparaju, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, M.G.N. Alsath, D. Potti and S. Kumar, On the Design and Performance Analysis of Flexible Planar Monopole Ultra-Wideband Antennas for Wearable Wireless Applications, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2022 On the Design and Performance Analysis of Flexible Planar Monopole Ultra-Wideband Antennas for Wearable Wireless Applications .
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- D. Venkataramani, J. Veeranan and L. Pitchai, Fractal analysis of retinal vasculature in relation with retinal diseases – an machine learning approach, Nonlinear Engineering, 2022 Fractal analysis of retinal vasculature in relation with retinal diseases – an machine learning approach (1) : pp411-419 .
- I.L. Priya and M. Meenakshi, Hybrid FSO/mmWave wireless system: A plausible solution for 5G backhaul applications, Opto-Electronics Review, 2022 Hybrid FSO/mmWave wireless system: A plausible solution for 5G backhaul applications (3) .
- J.M.S. Mol, S.E. Florence and M. Abraham, Twisted F-Shaped Slot Loaded UWB Printed Antenna for On-Body Application, Wireless Personal Communications, 2022 Twisted F-Shaped Slot Loaded UWB Printed Antenna for On-Body Application (3) : pp2427-2445 .
- K. Karunanithy and B. Velusamy, An efficient data collection using wireless sensor networks and internet of things to monitor the wild animals in the reserved area, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2022 An efficient data collection using wireless sensor networks and internet of things to monitor the wild animals in the reserved area (2) : pp1105-1125 .
- K. Karunanithy and B. Velusamy, Edge device based efficient data collection in smart health monitoring system using wireless body area network, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2022 Edge device based efficient data collection in smart health monitoring system using wireless body area network .
- K. Ramany, R. Shankararajan, K. Savarimuthu, S. Venkatachalapathi, I. Gunasekaran, G. Rajamanickam and R. Perumalsamy, Experimental investigation of performance tailoring of the multifunctional sensor using transition metal (Fe) doped ZnO nanorods synthesized via a facile solution-based method, Nanotechnology, 2022 Experimental investigation of performance tailoring of the multifunctional sensor using transition metal (Fe) doped ZnO nanorods synthesized via a facile solution-based method (3) .
- L. Kannappan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai and S. Kumar, Design and Analysis of a Dual-Band Semitransparent MIMO Antenna for Automotive Applications, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2022 Design and Analysis of a Dual-Band Semitransparent MIMO Antenna for Automotive Applications .
- L. Kannappan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, P. Kumar, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Kumar, T.R. Rao, M. Marey, A. Aggarwal and J.K. Pakkathillam, 3-D twelve-port multi-service diversity antenna for automotive communications, Scientific Reports, 2022 3-D twelve-port multi-service diversity antenna for automotive communications (1) .
- L. Kannappan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, P. Kumar, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Kumar, T.R. Rao, M. Marey, A. Aggarwal and J.K. Pakkathillam, 3-D twelve-port multi-service diversity antenna for automotive communications, Scientific Reports, 2022 3-D twelve-port multi-service diversity antenna for automotive communications (1) .
- M. Gulam Nabi Alsath and M. Kanagasabai, Reply to Comments on 'Compact UWB Monopole Antenna for Automotive Communications', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2022 Reply to Comments on 'Compact UWB Monopole Antenna for Automotive Communications' (2) : pp1592 .
- M. Gulam Nabi Alsath and M. Kanagasabai, Reply to Comments on 'Compact UWB Monopole Antenna for Automotive Communications', IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2022 Reply to Comments on 'Compact UWB Monopole Antenna for Automotive Communications' (2) : pp1592 .
- M. Kanagasabai, P. Sambandam and M. Gulam Nabi Alsath, Compact ultra-wideband pattern diversity antenna for body-centric communications, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2022 Compact ultra-wideband pattern diversity antenna for body-centric communications .
- M. Kanagasabai, P. Sambandam, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Palaniswamy, A. Ravichandran and C. Girinathan, Miniaturized Circularly Polarized UWB Antenna for Body Centric Communication, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2022 Miniaturized Circularly Polarized UWB Antenna for Body Centric Communication (1) : pp189-196 .
- M. Kanagasabai, P. Sambandam, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Palaniswamy, A. Ravichandran and C. Girinathan, Miniaturized Circularly Polarized UWB Antenna for Body Centric Communication, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2022 Miniaturized Circularly Polarized UWB Antenna for Body Centric Communication (1) : pp189-196 .
- M. Kanagasabai, S. Shanmuganathan, M.G.N. Alsath and S.K. Palaniswamy, A Novel Low-Profile 5G MIMO Antenna for Vehicular Communication, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2022 A Novel Low-Profile 5G MIMO Antenna for Vehicular Communication .
- M. Kanagasabai, S. Shanmuganathan, M.G.N. Alsath and S.K. Palaniswamy, A Novel Low-Profile 5G MIMO Antenna for Vehicular Communication, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2022 A Novel Low-Profile 5G MIMO Antenna for Vehicular Communication .
- M. Radhouene, Z. Gharsallah, V.R. Balaji, M. Najjar, S. Robinson, V. Janyani, M. Murugan, G. Hegde and T. Sridarshini, Design and analysis of a channel drop filter and demultiplexer based on a photonic crystal super ellipse-shaped ring resonator, Laser Physics, 2022 Design and analysis of a channel drop filter and demultiplexer based on a photonic crystal super ellipse-shaped ring resonator (11) .
- M.C. Jose, R. Sankararajan, B.S. Sreeja, M.G.N. Alsath and P. Kumar, A compact omnidirectional to directional frequency reconfigurable antenna for wireless sensor network applications, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2022 A compact omnidirectional to directional frequency reconfigurable antenna for wireless sensor network applications (7) : pp859-870 .
- M.C. Jose, S. Radha, B.S. Sreeja, M. Gulam Nabi Alsath and P. Kumar, Compact dual-band millimeter-wave antenna for 5G WLAN, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2022 Compact dual-band millimeter-wave antenna for 5G WLAN (8) : pp981-988 .
- N. Sureka and K. Gunaseelan, Enhanced Primary User Emulation Attack Inference in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Machine Learning Algorithm, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2022 Enhanced Primary User Emulation Attack Inference in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Machine Learning Algorithm (3) : pp1893-1906 .
- P. Devisowjanya, M. Gulam Nabi Alsath, S. Kirubaveni and G. Sudhilaya, Design and development of optically transparent rectenna for RF energy harvesting applications, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2022 Design and development of optically transparent rectenna for RF energy harvesting applications (8) : pp1081-1085 .
- P. Devisowjanya, M. Gulam Nabi Alsath, S. Kirubaveni and G. Sudhilaya, Design and development of optically transparent rectenna for RF energy harvesting applications, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2022 Design and development of optically transparent rectenna for RF energy harvesting applications (8) : pp1081-1085 .
- P. Rajasekaran, G. Ganesan and M. Murugappan, Performance analysis of hybrid Fi-Wi network employing OCDMA based NG-PON, Frequenz, 2022 Performance analysis of hybrid Fi-Wi network employing OCDMA based NG-PON (1-2) : pp97-108 .
- P. Yupapin, A. Sharafali, P. Sreethu, T. Sridarshini, D. Adhikari and M. Karthikeyan, Modulation instability induced supercontinuum generation in defective core photonic crystal fiber, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2022 Modulation instability induced supercontinuum generation in defective core photonic crystal fiber (8) .
- P.D. Sowjanya, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Kirubaveni, R. Govindaraj and N. Santhosh, Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Proximity Coupled Transparent Patch Antenna for WLAN, IETE Journal of Research, 2022 Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Proximity Coupled Transparent Patch Antenna for WLAN (1) : pp77-84 .
- P.D. Sowjanya, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Kirubaveni, R. Govindaraj and N. Santhosh, Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Proximity Coupled Transparent Patch Antenna for WLAN, IETE Journal of Research, 2022 Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Proximity Coupled Transparent Patch Antenna for WLAN (1) : pp77-84 .
- R. Sankararajan, K. Savarimuthu, S. Murugesan, K. Ramany, G. Rajamanickam and S. Narendhiran, Experimental analysis of UV-activated ethanol sensor based on the formation of organic/inorganic heterojunction, Circuit World, 2022 Experimental analysis of UV-activated ethanol sensor based on the formation of organic/inorganic heterojunction (1) : pp39-47 .
- R. Seetharaman, M. Tharun, S. Gayathri, S.S.S. Mole and K. Anandan, Analysis of specific absorption rate and heat transfer in human head due to mobile phones, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022 Analysis of specific absorption rate and heat transfer in human head due to mobile phones : pp2365-2374 .
- R. Seetharaman, M. Tharun, S.S. Sreeja Mole and K. Anandan, Analysis of fake news detection using machine learning technique, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022 Analysis of fake news detection using machine learning technique : pp2218-2223 .
- R. Seetharaman, S. Gayathri, M. Tharun, S.S. Sreeja Mole and K. Anandan, A study on black holes and its rotation, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022 A study on black holes and its rotation : pp2380-2383 .
- R. Yukesh Kannah, K. Bhava Rohini, M. Gunasekaran, K. Gokulakrishnan, G. Kumar and J. Rajesh Banu, Prediction of effective substrate concentration and its impact on biogas production using Artificial Neural Networks in Hybrid Upflow anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactor for treating landfill leachate, Fuel, 2022 Prediction of effective substrate concentration and its impact on biogas production using Artificial Neural Networks in Hybrid Upflow anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactor for treating landfill leachate .
- S. Geerthana, S. Syedakbar, T. Sridarshini, V.R. Balaji, R. Sitharthan and D. Shanmuga Sundar, 2D- PhC based all optical AND, OR and EX-OR logic gates with high contrast ratio operating at C band, Laser Physics, 2022 2D- PhC based all optical AND, OR and EX-OR logic gates with high contrast ratio operating at C band (10) .
- S. Ramadoss, M. Kanagasabai and G.N.A. Mohammed, A Novel Miniaturized Band-Stop Frequency Selective Surface With Ultra-Wideband Characteristics, Radio Science, 2022 A Novel Miniaturized Band-Stop Frequency Selective Surface With Ultra-Wideband Characteristics (11) .
- S. Ramadoss, M. Kanagasabai and G.N.A. Mohammed, A Novel Miniaturized Band-Stop Frequency Selective Surface With Ultra-Wideband Characteristics, Radio Science, 2022 A Novel Miniaturized Band-Stop Frequency Selective Surface With Ultra-Wideband Characteristics (11) .
- S. Shanmuganathan, M. Kanagasabai, G.N.A. Mohammed, R.R. Yeragudipati, S. Ramadoss, J.W. Jayasinghe and D.N. Udwawala, Miniaturized wideband 5G millimeter-wave antenna with two-port positioning analysis for vehicular communication, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 2022 Miniaturized wideband 5G millimeter-wave antenna with two-port positioning analysis for vehicular communication (9) .
- S. Shanmuganathan, M. Kanagasabai, G.N.A. Mohammed, R.R. Yeragudipati, S. Ramadoss, J.W. Jayasinghe and D.N. Udwawala, Miniaturized wideband 5G millimeter-wave antenna with two-port positioning analysis for vehicular communication, Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 2022 Miniaturized wideband 5G millimeter-wave antenna with two-port positioning analysis for vehicular communication (9) .
- S. Subaselvi and K. Gunaseelan, Energy efficient UAV enabled harvesting with beamforming for clustered SDWSN, Computing, 2022 Energy efficient UAV enabled harvesting with beamforming for clustered SDWSN (9) : pp2077-2100 .
- S. Sundarraj and G. Konganathan, Energy Efficient Mobile Harvesting Scheme for Clustered SDWSN with Beamforming Technique, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 2022 Energy Efficient Mobile Harvesting Scheme for Clustered SDWSN with Beamforming Technique (2) : pp1197-1213 .
- S.S. Devi and V. Bhanumathi, Reversible logic based MOS current mode logic implementation in digital circuits, Computers, Materials and Continua, 2022 Reversible logic based MOS current mode logic implementation in digital circuits (2) : pp3609-3624 .
- T. Govindan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai and S. Kumar, Design and Analysis of UWB MIMO Antenna for Smart Fabric Communications, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2022 Design and Analysis of UWB MIMO Antenna for Smart Fabric Communications .
- T. Govindan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, S. Kumar, M. Marey and H. Mostafa, Design and Analysis of a Flexible Smart Apparel MIMO Antenna for Bio-Healthcare Applications, Micromachines, 2022 Design and Analysis of a Flexible Smart Apparel MIMO Antenna for Bio-Healthcare Applications (11) .
- T. Govindan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, S. Velan, S. Kumar and T.R. Rao, Quad-port electromagnetic band gap (EBG)—backed non-isomorphic multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) antenna for wearable applications, Flexible and Printed Electronics, 2022 Quad-port electromagnetic band gap (EBG)—backed non-isomorphic multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) antenna for wearable applications (3) .
- T. Sridarshini, P. Chidambaram, S. Geerthana, V.R. Balaji, A. Thirumurugan, Sitharthan, K. Madurakavi and S.S. Dhanabalan, Current and future horizon of optics and photonics in environmental sustainability, Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 2022 Current and future horizon of optics and photonics in environmental sustainability .
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- V. Aruna, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Kirubaveni and M. Maheswari, Flexible and Beam Steerable Planar UWB Quasi-Yagi Antenna for WBAN, IETE Journal of Research, 2022 Flexible and Beam Steerable Planar UWB Quasi-Yagi Antenna for WBAN (3) : pp2220-2230 .
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- V. Suresh, G.N.A. Mohammed and K. Narayanasamy, A novel broadband reflectarray for 5G satellite communications, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2022 A novel broadband reflectarray for 5G satellite communications (2) .
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- A. Shirley J., E. Sundarsingh, B.S. Sreeja and R. Shankararajan, Performance Analysis of Wearable Pressure Sensor Based on Structural Properties of Zinc Oxide Nanostructures Grown on Fabric, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2021 Performance Analysis of Wearable Pressure Sensor Based on Structural Properties of Zinc Oxide Nanostructures Grown on Fabric : pp837-845 .
- A. Veeraselvam, G.N.A. Mohammed and K. Savarimuthu, A novel ultra-miniaturized highly sensitive refractive index-based terahertz biosensor, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2021 A novel ultra-miniaturized highly sensitive refractive index-based terahertz biosensor (22) : pp7281-7287 .
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- A. Veeraselvam, G.N.A. Mohammed, K. Savarimuthu and R. Sankararajan, A novel multi-band biomedical sensor for THz regime, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2021 A novel multi-band biomedical sensor for THz regime (7) .
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- D. Potti, Y. Tusharika, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Kirubaveni, M. Kanagasabai, R. Sankararajan, S. Narendhiran and P.B. Bhargav, A Novel Optically Transparent UWB Antenna for Automotive MIMO Communications, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2021 A Novel Optically Transparent UWB Antenna for Automotive MIMO Communications (7) : pp3821-3828 .
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- K. Narayanasamy, G.N.A. Mohammed, K. Savarimuthu, R. Sivasamy and M. Kanagasabai, A novel Ku/K band reflectarray antenna with reduced phase slope and phase sensitivity, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2021 A novel Ku/K band reflectarray antenna with reduced phase slope and phase sensitivity (7) .
- K. Narayanasamy, G.N.A. Mohammed, K. Savarimuthu, R. Sivasamy and M. Kanagasabai, A novel Ku/K band reflectarray antenna with reduced phase slope and phase sensitivity, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2021 A novel Ku/K band reflectarray antenna with reduced phase slope and phase sensitivity (7) .
- K. Narayanasamy, G.N.A. Mohammed, K. Savarimuthu, R. Sivasamy and M. Kanagasabai, A novel Ku/K band reflectarray antenna with reduced phase slope and phase sensitivity, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2021 A novel Ku/K band reflectarray antenna with reduced phase slope and phase sensitivity (7) .
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- S. Kingsly, M. Kanagasabai, G.N.A. Mohammed, M. Thirunavukkarasu, S. Subbaraj, S.K. Palaniswamy, S. Bilvam and I. Kulandhaisamy, Bandwidth reconfigurable microwave filter using stepped impedance c-shaped resonator, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2021 Bandwidth reconfigurable microwave filter using stepped impedance c-shaped resonator (2) : pp432-436 .
- S. Kingsly, M. Kanagasabai, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Subbaraj, S.K. Palaniswamy and B. Bhuvaneswari, Switchable Resonator Based Reconfigurable Bandpass / Bandstop Microstrip Filter, International Journal of Electronics, 2021 Switchable Resonator Based Reconfigurable Bandpass / Bandstop Microstrip Filter (9) : pp1610-1622 .
- S. Kingsly, M. Kanagasabai, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Subbaraj, S.K. Palaniswamy and B. Bhuvaneswari, Switchable Resonator Based Reconfigurable Bandpass / Bandstop Microstrip Filter, International Journal of Electronics, 2021 Switchable Resonator Based Reconfigurable Bandpass / Bandstop Microstrip Filter (9) : pp1610-1622 .
- S. Kingsly, M. Kanagasabai, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Subbaraj, S.K. Palaniswamy and B. Bhuvaneswari, Switchable Resonator Based Reconfigurable Bandpass / Bandstop Microstrip Filter, International Journal of Electronics, 2021 Switchable Resonator Based Reconfigurable Bandpass / Bandstop Microstrip Filter (9) : pp1610-1622 .
- S. Kunjuraman and B. Velusamy, Performance evaluation of shell and tube heat exchanger through ANN and ANFIS model for dye recovery from textile effluents, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 2021 Performance evaluation of shell and tube heat exchanger through ANN and ANFIS model for dye recovery from textile effluents (13) : pp1600-1619 .
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- S. Subbaraj, M. Kanagasabai, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Kingsly, S.K. Palaniswamy, Y.V.R. Rao and A.K. Shrivastav, Integration of dual function array with nested slot radiator for MIMO applications, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2021 Integration of dual function array with nested slot radiator for MIMO applications (9) .
- S. Subbaraj, M. Kanagasabai, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Kingsly, S.K. Palaniswamy, Y.V.R. Rao and A.K. Shrivastav, Integration of dual function array with nested slot radiator for MIMO applications, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2021 Integration of dual function array with nested slot radiator for MIMO applications (9) .
- S. Subbaraj, M. Kanagasabai, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Kingsly, S.K. Palaniswamy, Y.V.R. Rao and A.K. Shrivastav, Integration of dual function array with nested slot radiator for MIMO applications, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2021 Integration of dual function array with nested slot radiator for MIMO applications (9) .
- S. Subbaraj, M. Kanagasabai, P. Sambandam, M. Gulam Nabi Alsath, S.K. Palaniswamy and S. Kingsly, Performance enhanced folded multiband MIMO antenna for mobile terminals, AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2021 Performance enhanced folded multiband MIMO antenna for mobile terminals .
- S. Subbaraj, M. Kanagasabai, P. Sambandam, M. Gulam Nabi Alsath, S.K. Palaniswamy and S. Kingsly, Performance enhanced folded multiband MIMO antenna for mobile terminals, AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2021 Performance enhanced folded multiband MIMO antenna for mobile terminals .
- S. Subbaraj, M. Kanagasabai, P. Sambandam, M. Gulam Nabi Alsath, S.K. Palaniswamy and S. Kingsly, Performance enhanced folded multiband MIMO antenna for mobile terminals, AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2021 Performance enhanced folded multiband MIMO antenna for mobile terminals .
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- T. Govindan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, S. Kumar, T. Rama Rao and M.G.N. Alsath, Conformal Quad-Port UWB MIMO Antenna for Body-Worn Applications, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2021 Conformal Quad-Port UWB MIMO Antenna for Body-Worn Applications .
- T. Govindan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, S. Kumar, T. Rama Rao and M.G.N. Alsath, Conformal Quad-Port UWB MIMO Antenna for Body-Worn Applications, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2021 Conformal Quad-Port UWB MIMO Antenna for Body-Worn Applications .
- T. Govindan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, T.R. Rao, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Kumar, S. Velan, M. Marey and A. Aggarwal, On the design and performance analysis of wristband MIMO/diversity antenna for smart wearable communication applications, Scientific Reports, 2021 On the design and performance analysis of wristband MIMO/diversity antenna for smart wearable communication applications (1) .
- T. Govindan, S.K. Palaniswamy, M. Kanagasabai, T.R. Rao, M.G.N. Alsath, S. Kumar, S. Velan, M. Marey and A. Aggarwal, On the design and performance analysis of wristband MIMO/diversity antenna for smart wearable communication applications, Scientific Reports, 2021 On the design and performance analysis of wristband MIMO/diversity antenna for smart wearable communication applications (1) .
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- Y. V, G.N.A. Mohammed and M. Kanagasabai, Crosstalk reduction using novel cross-shaped resonators with via fence in high-frequency transmission lines, Circuit World, 2021 Crosstalk reduction using novel cross-shaped resonators with via fence in high-frequency transmission lines .