Ph.D's Awarded
An Improved Feature Extraction Techniques for Gender Classfication and Age Estimation
Year : 2023
Scholar Name : A. Annie Micheal
Supervisor Name : Dr. P. Geetha
Block Chain BAsed Secure Data Sharing with Dynamic Access Management in Cloud Storage
Year : 2023
Scholar Name : V.Ezhil Arasi
Supervisor Name : Dr. K. Indra Gandhi
Secure Sstorage and Retrieval of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) in Cloud-Fog Computing Environment
Year : 2023
Scholar Name : L.Arulmozhiselvan
Supervisor Name : Dr. E. Uma
Semantic and Deep Learning based Prior Art Query for Abstractive Patent Summarization
Year : 2023
Scholar Name : K. Girthana
Supervisor Name : Dr. S. Swamynathan
A Novel Weight Assignment based Image Retrieval using BoVw Model and Deep Hashing Techniques
Year : 2022
Scholar Name : P. Arulmozhi
Supervisor Name : Dr. Abirami Murugappan
A study and development of object detection and tracking approaches in UAV videos
Year : 2022
Scholar Name : A. Ancy Micheal
Supervisor Name : Dr. K. Vani
An Energy Efficient Integrated Approach for In-Network Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
Year : 2022
Scholar Name : R. Maivizhi
Supervisor Name : Dr. P. Yogesh
An Intelligent System for Aspect-Based Opinion Mining Subtasks using Machine Learning Techniques and Graph Analysis
Year : 2022
Scholar Name : J. Ashok Kumar
Supervisor Name : Dr. Abirami Murugappan
Deadline Constrained Resource Provisioning and Scheduling Algorithm for Multiple Scientific Workflows on WaaS Cloud
Year : 2022
Scholar Name : P. Rajasekar
Supervisor Name : Dr. P. Yogesh
Effective Offloading Techniques for Dynamic Resource Provisioning in Mobile Cloud Computing
Year : 2022
Scholar Name : M. Shanthi Thangam
Supervisor Name : Dr. M. Vijayalakshmi
Efficient Data Transmission in Multi-Hop Congnitive Radio Networks using Artificial Intelligence-Based Expert Systems
Year : 2022
Scholar Name : V. Noel Jeygar Robert
Supervisor Name : Dr. K. Vidya
Facial Regonition on Partially Occluded Images using Approximation Algorithms
Year : 2022
Scholar Name : Ms. B. Krishnaveni
Supervisor Name : Dr. S. Sridhar
Improving Data Deduplication Performance in Cloud Storage
Year : 2022
Scholar Name : E. Manogar
Supervisor Name : Dr. Abirami Murugappan
Machine Learning Assisted Methodology For Online Testing of Processor Pipeline
Year : 2022
Scholar Name : J. Padma
Supervisor Name : Dr. Ranjani Parthasarathi
QoS/QoE Aware Context Sensitive Computational Offloading in Hierarchical Multi-Cloud Framework
Year : 2022
Scholar Name : A. J. Shalini Lakshmi
Supervisor Name : Dr. M. Vijayalakshmi
Sequence Matching and Deep Learning Techniques for Early-Stage Detection of Parkinson's Disease through Multi-Modalities
Year : 2022
Scholar Name : B. Anusha
Supervisor Name : Dr. P. Geetha
Spectral Unmixing of Satellite Images by Linear and Non-Linear Mixing Models
Year : 2022
Scholar Name : K. Niranjani
Supervisor Name : Dr. K. Vani
Stream Data Analysis using Advanced Machine Learning Approaches
Year : 2022
Scholar Name : M. Arunmanickaraja
Supervisor Name : Dr. S. Swamynathan
A Framework for Intelligent Selection of Optimal Cloud Service Provider using Fuzzy Set and Graph Mining Approaches
Year : 2021
Scholar Name : Tina Esther Trueman
Supervisor Name : Dr.P. Narayanasamy
A Programmable Mobile-Road Side Unit (Mobile-RSU) Framework for Vechicular Ad-hoc Networks
Year : 2021
Scholar Name : A. Samson Arun Raj
Supervisor Name : Dr. P. Yogesh
Discovery of knowledge patterns in retinal images for identification of pathologies through image processing and data mining techniques
Year : 2021
Scholar Name : R.Radhika
Supervisor Name : K. Kulothungan
Discovery of knowledge patterns in retinal images for identification of pathologies through image processing and data mining techniques
Year : 2021
Scholar Name : J.JeslinShanthamalar
Supervisor Name : Dr. R. Geetha Ramani
Enhanced Cryptographic Techniques using Elliptic Curves and Matrix Translation Methods for Information Security
Year : 2021
Scholar Name : S. Pradeep
Supervisor Name : Dr.A. Kannan
Enhancing Reliability in Multi-Core Systems using Low Cost Fault Tolerant One Instruction Cores
Year : 2021
Scholar Name : V. Shasikiran
Supervisor Name : Dr. Ranjani Parthasarathi
OCR framework for Offline Tamil Handwritten Scripts
Year : 2021
Scholar Name : Antony Robert Raj
Supervisor Name : Dr. Abirami Murugappan
Zero-Knowledge Authentication Scheme and Fuzzy Intrusion Detection System for IoT network
Year : 2021
Scholar Name : A. P. Haripriya
Supervisor Name : Dr. Saswati Mukherjee
A collaborative e learning framework using social development theory
Year : 2020
Scholar Name : Shri Vindhya
Supervisor Name : Dr. T. Mala
An Enhanced Data Integrity Framework and Technique for Secure Privacy Conserving Cloud Computing
Year : 2020
Scholar Name : Mokhtar Mohammed Mohammed Ali Hamid
Supervisor Name : Dr. J. Indumathi
Elliptic Curve Cryptography Based Encryption Algorithms for Secured Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Year : 2020
Scholar Name : S. Viswanathan
Supervisor Name : Dr.A. Kannan
Fusion - Featuring Unified System Interface for Outsourcing Native Mobile Apps
Year : 2020
Scholar Name : R. Nithya
Supervisor Name : Dr. T. Mala
Provenance Model for User Recommendation in Social Network
Year : 2020
Scholar Name : T. Dhanalakshmi
Supervisor Name : Dr. S. Sendhil Kumar
Rough Set based Approximate Rule Appilcation and Inverse Decision Rule Generation for Uncertain Data Sets
Year : 2020
Scholar Name : L. Ezhilarasi
Supervisor Name : Dr.V. Uma Maheswari
Trustable User Recommendation using Semantic Provenance Model
Year : 2020
Scholar Name : A. Christiyana Arul Selvi
Supervisor Name : Dr. S. Sendhil Kumar
A Collaboration-Learning Framework Using Vygotsky's Social Development Theory
Year : 2019
Scholar Name : Ms.Shri Vindhya
Supervisor Name : Dr. T. Mala
A cross layer approach for effective spectrum management in cognitive radio ad hoc networks
Year : 2019
Scholar Name : D. Ruby
Supervisor Name : Dr. R. Geetha Ramani
A framework for scheduling of heterogeneous workloads in cloud management system
Year : 2019
Scholar Name : K.Dinesh
Supervisor Name : Dr. M. Vijayalakshmi
Access Control and Key Management Techniques for Secured Communication in Cloud
Year : 2019
Scholar Name : S.Kanimozhi
Supervisor Name : Dr.A. Kannan
Data Mining Approach for Intelligent e-Serives Recommendation System using Fuzzy Rules
Year : 2019
Scholar Name : P.Sankar
Supervisor Name : Dr.A. Kannan
Discovery of knowledge patterns in social and biological network using data mining and centrality measures
Year : 2019
Scholar Name : P.Nancy
Supervisor Name : Dr. R. Geetha Ramani
Dynamic workload allocation in cloud computing environment using improved load balancing techniques
Year : 2019
Scholar Name : N.Senthamarai
Supervisor Name : Dr. M. Vijayalakshmi
Efficient Spatial Query processing techniques using Indexing and Proxy based Approaches
Year : 2019
Scholar Name : K.Geetha
Supervisor Name : Dr.A. Kannan
Features Extraction and Classfication Techniques for Automatic Segmentation of Medical Image
Year : 2019
Scholar Name : T.J.Vijay Kumar
Supervisor Name : Dr.A. Kannan
Genetic algorithm based evolution and analysis of music
Year : 2019
Scholar Name : K. Priya
Supervisor Name : Dr. R. Geetha Ramani
Privacy Preservation in Onilne Social Network
Year : 2019
Scholar Name : T.Shanmuigapriya
Supervisor Name : Dr. S. Swamynathan
Web Usage Mining Using Data Mining Methods and Techniques
Year : 2019
Scholar Name : P.Revathy
Supervisor Name : Dr. R. Geetha Ramani
A Heruristic approachtowards automated resources provisioning for scientific appilcation in Laas clouds
Year : 2018
Scholar Name : S.Sindhu
Supervisor Name : Dr. Saswati Mukherjee
A Novel Agent Based Enterprise Level System Development Technology
Year : 2018
Scholar Name : D.Venkatesan
Supervisor Name : Dr. S. Sridhar
An Intelligent Agicultue Data Mining System For Water Conversation Through Drip Irrigation And Wireless Sensor Networks S
Year : 2018
Scholar Name : V.Pandiyaraju
Supervisor Name : Dr.A. Kannan
An Intelligent Video Survillance System for Remote Monitoring Human Events Using Gait and Activity Analysis
Year : 2018
Scholar Name : M.Sivarathinabala
Supervisor Name : Dr. Abirami Murugappan
Auto Creation of Tamil UNL Dictionary
Year : 2018
Scholar Name : J.Ganesh
Supervisor Name : Dr. Ranjani Parthasarathi
Energy Efficent Data Dissemination With Effective Authentication in wireless sensor network
Year : 2018
Scholar Name : S.V.N.Santhose Kumar
Supervisor Name : Dr. P. Yogesh
Energy EfficentIntelligent Cluster Based routing Techniques For Wireless Sensor Network
Year : 2018
Scholar Name : M.Selvi
Supervisor Name : Dr.A. Kannan
Intelligent Agent Based Apporach for Effective REsource Management
Year : 2018
Scholar Name : P.Seenuvasan
Supervisor Name : Dr. R. Geetha Ramani
MATAVAN-Machine Translation Approach for Tamil Language to Sign Laguage Avatar Animation
Year : 2018
Scholar Name : D.Narashiman
Supervisor Name : Dr. T. Mala
New Techniques For Intrusion Prevention and Enhancing The Performance in Mobile Adhoc Network
Year : 2018
Scholar Name : A.Gayathri
Supervisor Name : Dr.P. Narayanasamy
Optimized QoS Vertical Handover Design Technique in Next Generation Wireless Network
Year : 2018
Scholar Name : E.M.Malathy
Supervisor Name : Dr. M. Vijayalakshmi
Securing data in Hybrid Multi-Cloud using Novel Data Chunking and Scrambling methods
Year : 2018
Scholar Name : K. S. Vijayanand
Supervisor Name : Dr. T. Mala
Sematic Approach for Tracking Scientific Research Progress
Year : 2018
Scholar Name : A.Balaji
Supervisor Name : Dr. S. Sendhil Kumar
Toward Enhanging Parallelism by exploiting memory of Hierarchy in GPUs
Year : 2018
Scholar Name : B. Thanasekhar
Supervisor Name : Dr. Ranjani Parthasarathi
prediction of knowldege pattern in human brain c
Year : 2018
Scholar Name : K.Sivaselvi
Supervisor Name : Dr. R. Geetha Ramani
Discovery of Knowledge Pattern in Diabetic Retinal Image Through Image Processing and Mining Techniques
Year : 2017
Scholar Name : B.Lakshmi
Supervisor Name : Dr. R. Geetha Ramani
INtelligent Classfication Techniques to detect malicious nodes in Mobile Adhoc Network
Year : 2017
Scholar Name : A.R.Rajeshwari
Supervisor Name : K. Kulothungan
OSA and Semantic Based Middleware Infrastructure for hetergeneous IoT Environment (SSMI-hIoT)
Year : 2017
Scholar Name : S.Sasirekha
Supervisor Name : Dr. S. Swamynathan