
Object Localization with UAVs: Leveraging IoT and Transfer Learning for Aerial Applications

Principle Investigator : Dr. G. Rajesh

Project Cost : ₹ 3569500 Lakhs

Duration : 10-JAN-24 to 31-JUL-25

Funding  : TIH Foundation for IoT & IoE

Revolutionizing Dental Care in Remote Areas: A Telemedicine Approach Leveraging AI and IoT

Principle Investigator : Dr. G. Rajesh

Project Cost : ₹ 3462120 Lakhs

Duration : 10-OCT-23 to 30-APR-25

Funding  : TIH Foundation for IoT & IoE (TDP5)

Development of Deep Learning based Models for detecting the significance of Non-manual Parameters for Indian Sign Language Interpretation

Principle Investigator : Dr. P. Kola Sujatha

Project Cost : ₹ .25 Lakhs

Duration : 01-JUL-22 to 31-DEC-22

Funding  : CSRC, Anna University

Design and Implementation of Sign Language to Text/Speech Conversion to Deaf and Dump People

Principle Investigator : Dr. P. Kola Sujatha

Project Cost : ₹ .1 Lakhs

Duration : 01-JUL-19 to 31-DEC-19

Funding  : CTDT

Smart Agriculture system based on IoT

Principle Investigator : Dr. S. Umamaheswari

Duration : 01-JUL-19 to 31-DEC-19

Smart Agricultureusing IoT and Blockchain

Principle Investigator : Dr. S. Umamaheswari

Duration : 01-JUL-19 to 31-DEC-19


Principle Investigator : Dr. G. Rajesh

Duration : 01-APR-19 to 01-APR-19

Virtual Proctoring system using IoT

Principle Investigator : Dr. G. Rajesh

Duration : 01-APR-19 to 31-DEC-19

Hyperspectral Image Processing for Detecting Toxic Element in a Fruit

Principle Investigator : Dr. P. Kola Sujatha

Project Cost : ₹ .15 Lakhs

Duration : 01-JUN-18 to 31-DEC-18

Funding  : CTDT

Retinal Image Analysis using Machine Learning

Principle Investigator : Dr. P. Kola Sujatha

Project Cost : ₹ .1 Lakhs

Duration : 01-JUN-18 to 31-DEC-18

Funding  : CTDT

Internet of Things- A Novel Application To Locate Misplaced Objects

Principle Investigator : Dr. S. Umamaheswari

Duration : 10-JUL-17 to 31-DEC-17

Metro Bus Transit Frequency Regulation System

Principle Investigator : Dr. J. Dhalia Sweetlin

Duration : 10-JUL-17 to 15-JAN-18

Drowsy Driving Detection System by Analyzing and Classifying Brain Waves

Principle Investigator : Dr. J. Dhalia Sweetlin

Duration : 10-JUL-17 to 15-JAN-18

Soil Classification based Image Processing Techniques

Principle Investigator : Dr. P. Kola Sujatha

Project Cost : ₹ .25 Lakhs

Duration : 30-APR-16 to 30-OCT-16

Funding  : CTDT

Integrating Scheduled Hydroponic System

Principle Investigator : Dr. S. Umamaheswari

Duration : 16-MAR-16 to 15-SEP-16

An IoT Based Vehicular Emergency Response System

Principle Investigator : Dr. S. Umamaheswari

Duration : 16-MAR-16 to 15-SEP-16

Location inference using predictive analytics in social media users for emergency detection

Principle Investigator : M. Hemalatha

Duration : 16-MAR-16 to 15-SEP-16

Enhancing Mobile Phone Signal During Critical Situations

Principle Investigator : Dr. M.R. Sumalatha

Duration : 01-MAR-16 to 01-SEP-16

Fraud Detection using Data Analysis in the Health care Industry

Principle Investigator : Dr. M.R. Sumalatha

Duration : 01-MAR-16 to 01-AUG-16

Content based Image Analysis in Social Media for Disaster Response

Principle Investigator : Dr. M.R. Sumalatha

Duration : 01-MAR-16 to 01-SEP-16

Automated car using acoustic sensors

Principle Investigator : Dr. G. Rajesh

Duration : 01-APR-15 to 01-DEC-15

Intrusion Detection Using IR Camera

Principle Investigator : Dr. Dhananjay Kumar

Duration : 16-MAR-15 to 15-SEP-15

Streaming and Storing of Live Video Through Mobile to Cloud

Principle Investigator : Dr. Dhananjay Kumar

Duration : 16-MAR-15 to 15-SEP-15

Geo Distributed Social Service System

Principle Investigator : Dr. M.R. Sumalatha

Duration : 02-FEB-15 to 31-AUG-16

Enhancing the Performance of Mobile Device Using Cloud

Principle Investigator : Dr. Dhananjay Kumar

Duration : 17-FEB-14 to 16-AUG-14

Automated Tele-video Surveillance over Internet

Principle Investigator : Dr. Dhananjay Kumar

Duration : 17-FEB-14 to 16-AUG-14

Non-invasive estimation of hemoglobin in blood

Principle Investigator : Dr. S. Umamaheswari

Duration : 17-FEB-14 to 31-AUG-14

Development of Intelligent Forensic Investigation Tool in Cloud Computing Environment.

Principle Investigator : Dr. M.R. Sumalatha

Duration : 03-FEB-14 to 29-AUG-14


Principle Investigator : Dr. G. Rajesh

Duration : 01-APR-13 to 01-DEC-13

Multi cloud Deployment of Computing Clusters for Health Care System

Principle Investigator : Dr. M.R. Sumalatha

Duration : 04-FEB-13 to 30-DEC-16

Hand-Mouse Human Computer Interaction Using Hand Gesture

Principle Investigator : Dr. Dhananjay Kumar

Duration : 03-FEB-13 to 03-AUG-13

Video Streaming in 3G Wireless Network for Telemedicine Applications

Principle Investigator : Dr. Dhananjay Kumar

Duration : 01-JUL-12 to 31-DEC-15

An Energy Efficient Approach for Concurrent Data Aggregation and Query Processing in WSN

Principle Investigator : Dr. G. Rajesh

Duration : 02-APR-12 to 01-APR-13

Android Plus: Easing the User Interaction and Helping Illiterates

Principle Investigator : Dr. Dhananjay Kumar

Duration : 10-FEB-12 to 30-SEP-12

Intellisense: Human Computer Interaction Using Hand Gestures

Principle Investigator : Dr. Dhananjay Kumar

Duration : 16-FEB-11 to 16-AUG-11